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关键词: 篮球场围网防腐工艺哪种实用?    发表时间:2018-11-14    浏览量:1102    来源:昆山展奥

篮球场围挡灯光宜采用8盏1000瓦灯具在球场两侧平均分布,光照度达到350LUX,配备一对网球中网柱,网中央高 0.914 米。推水器和防风网都应是室外网球场必备的球场设施。
The basketball court should adopt the 8 enclosure lighting lamp 1000 Watt lamps are evenly distributed on the pitch on both sides, light intensity reached 350LUX, equipped with a pair of tennis in the network, the central 0.914 meters high. Both the water push device and the windproof net should be the necessary stadium facilities for the outdoor tennis court.
Construction of lighting system for basketball field block:
1、 灯柱为110钢管定制,安装高度不低于6米,整个球场配4套1000W或6套400W专用灯。
1, lamp column for 110 steel pipe customization, installation height is not less than 6 meters, the whole stadium with 4 sets of 1000W or 6 sets of 400W special lamp.
2、 电源:总进线采用380V电压电源,球场照明系统总功率为8KW,基础施工时须按电线分布图预埋好线管,穿好电线,做妥接线盒,接通场内所有灯具。
2: power supply: the total incoming line adopts 380V voltage power supply, the total power of the field lighting system is 8KW, the base construction should be embedded in the wire distribution chart, good wire, do the connection box, connect all the lights in the field.
现代网球运动一般包括室内网球 和室外网球两种形 式。网球运动起源于12至13世 纪法国传教士在教 堂回廊里用手掌击球的一种游戏。
Modern tennis generally includes indoor tennis and outdoor tennis in two forms. Tennis originated in 12 to thirteenth Century, the French missionaries in the church corridor in the palm of the ball game.
后来成为宫廷里的 一种室内消遣娱乐活动。也有人认为,网球运动的起源应追溯到“百年战争”(1337年~1453年英法两国战争)以前在法国民间流传的一种名叫海欧·德·巴乌麦的球类游戏
Later became an indoor recreational activity in the palace. Some people think that the origin of tennis should be traced back to century war (from 1337 to 1453 British and French Wars) before the French folk circulated a ball game called Hio de Baum
。据说这种游戏是两个人进行的,每 人各执一个球拍,球场的周围筑有 围墙,球撞到墙上 后被弹回去,尔后过网。

. It is said that this game is carried out by two people, each holding a racket, surrounded by a fence around the stadium, the ball hit the wall, was bounced back, and then through the network.
因此,无 论从使用的场地和 器具上,还是从进行游戏的方法 上,它与现代网球运 动有许多相似之处,所以有人把它看作是网球运动的原初形态。
Therefore, it has many similarities with modern tennis, no matter from the field and appliance, or from the game method, so some people regard it as the original form of tennis.
Basketball yard purse fence anti corrosion process which practical? The anti corrosion process of basketball field Purse Seine is divided into two aspects, that is, the fence of basketball court, the anticorrosion of the fence net and the antisepsis of the frame. Therefore, the anticorrosive technology of the purse seine in the basketball court is introduced from two aspects.
1, the anti-corrosion, anti-corrosion is huangtongwang mesh, generally divided into two types, one is the plastic bag technology, another is the impregnation process, plastic bag technology is mainly for anticorrosion treatment of huangtongwang mesh, impregnation process is carried out for the whole piece of anticorrosive huangtongwang.
Two kinds of corrosion have advantages and disadvantages, plastic bag can ensure all mesh bag, dip net is due after forming processing, wire connection will have plastic leakage phenomenon.
2, the framework of anti-corrosion, there are two kinds, one is dipping plastic, the other is electrostatic spraying process. After the plastic layer is soaked, the adhesive force is poor, and the adhesion of the electrostatic spraying is good, but the plastic layer is thin.

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