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关键词: 塑胶球场施工中塑胶层起泡现象分析    发表时间:2017-01-21    浏览量:1445    来源:昆山展奥
  Plastic material is a very common material, this material has good wear resistance, good elasticity, moderate hardness, paper slip and other advantages. Therefore, it has been widely used in the construction of track and field track and stadium in various universities and games. But before school, the stadium is one of the most common types of the stadium and the runway, the runway and the stadium, in the actual construction process will encounter many problems, the impact to the whole track and stadium construction quality, severe cases may even cause harm to the human body. The plastic layer on the plastic floor in the construction process of the analysis:
  First of all, plastic stadium construction of plastic layer bubble, the same layer off. This problem is mainly in the plastic layer done soon after, just finished on the local or a large area of the drum, in serious cases will appear with the foundation from the problem. The plastic pitch in the construction are often due to substandard cement grade and water resisting layer is not qualified or underground water vapor rise so that the plastic layer from the top end, so that the plastic layer appeared bulge. We should attach great importance to such a problem. The emergence of drum phenomenon shows that there are some problems in the actual construction process, the construction method and construction technology of plastic stadium need to be adjusted.
  The treatment of this problem in plastic ball construction is similar to that of foaming process. The first is to cut off the foam part, again based water treatment and then dried in the sun. Then it is necessary to fill in accordance with the requirements, and finally to fill color. For the prevention of this problem is to do a good job of basic waterproof quality. PU Plastic laying process is also the need for air humidity and moisture content to strictly control. Only strict control can really meet the needs of time.
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