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关键词: 运动场地施工对于室内地面铺设材料的建议    发表时间:2016-08-16    浏览量:1541    来源:昆山展奥
  Now many schools are in the construction of the stadium, but also in accordance with previous habits in the sports ground floor laying wooden floor. From the problems exposed in recent years, the problem of the construction of the wooden floor, wood floor defects become more and more obvious. First, it on the base layer of the very high must be impermeable and permeable, prevent dampness rising corrosion floor; secondly, laying on the floor materials, in addition to after special treatment, but also in the sports venue construction construction placed for a long period of time, otherwise, laying good without will soon because of wood shrinkage or expansion cracking or become warped crack; third, the use of the maintenance difficulty is greater. From time to time to remove the dust and dirt, and often wax to protect the floor.
  Sports ground construction science and technology development to today, a new type of sports ground materials have been widely used, and some sports projects have been clearly defined. The game must be played on the ground floor of the synthetic material. The sports venue construction materials on the ground is not only easy to use, only need to mop can get rid of garbage and its excellent overall, will not cause players fell to the ground by the scratches on the ground. Its flexibility is better than the wooden floor, especially the landing cushion performance, for young people, can play a good effect to protect the knee. At the same time, it can be fixed, can also be made activities, so that greatly expanded the use of the stadium function. As for its cost, and the price of ordinary wood floor flat.
  Of course, there is also a waterproof, corrosion resistant composite wood floor, which can achieve the performance requirements of professional sports, the use of long life, the difficulty of maintenance than ordinary wooden floor. And the cost is also basically flat with ordinary wood floors. This will give the school in the construction of the stadium, the stadium construction of the ground material to provide a greater range of choice.
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